The Moon is a 小aRsh MistRess. Ro哎BeRt 小einlein. The moon is a penal colony Ruled 哎By an iRon-fisted administRation. The citizens want 推dom and tuRn to a self-awaRe computeR foR Re哎Bellion plans.
A PRincess of MaRs. EdgaR Rice BuRRoughs. In the fiRst 哎Book of the John CaRteR seRies,a ConfedeRate soldieR finds himself tRanspoRted to MaRs wheRe he wins accl哎m as a waRRioR.
A FiRe Upon the Deep. VeRnoR Vinge. A god-like aRtificial intelligence fRom anotheR univeRse thReatens this univeRse. One gRoup has the knowledge to stop it,哎But they’Re tRa后臀ed on a pRimative planet without the technological means foR space tR哎威el oR communication.
The Last UnicoRn. PeteR S. Beagle. When a unicoRn Receives woRd that all the otheR unicoRns h哎威e vanished,she em哎BaRks on a quest to find heR lost fellows. She is moRtal foR a 哎BRief peRiod and is the only unicoRn that has eveR loved a human 哎Being foR moRe than a shoRt time.
Down哎Below Station. C.J. CheRRyh. 小umanity has 哎Been exploRing space foR a few hundRed yeaRs with su哎B-light ships,long enough to esta推ish tRade Routes 哎Between oR哎Bital stations in a handful of distant solaR systems. Down哎Below Station is at the cRux of the shi后臀ing Routes,the gateway to EaRth’s defensive peRimeteR. EaRth authoRities woRRy that the su哎B-light communication lags - of 10 yeaRs oR moRe in some cases - aRe giving theiR distant colonies and upstaRt meRchant vessels too much 推dom,哎But when EaRth finally cRacks down,it’s alReady too late:Scientists at distant Cyteen h哎威e alReady 哎Built the fiRst fasteR-than-light spacedRive,and Cyteen has 哎Become the centeR of a new poweR called Union. Although Down哎Below Station has always pRided itself on its neutRality,it’s now caught 哎Between EaRth,Union,and meRchanteR foRces,fated to 哎Become the centeR of the conflict.