

admin 2021-04-22 38
一个亲戚家孩子老是要让他办的手抄报给我办我不想怎么办?摘要: 一个亲戚家孩子老是要让他办的手抄报给我办我不想怎么办?死亡,自从诞生之时便已经注定;即便羽化、即便涅槃,那也是新生。无论躯壳、无论精神已经完全不同。然而,尽管这个道理人人尽知,...



而是想你痛彻心脾 It is afteR looking into my heaRt

"The GReat AmeRican DeseRt" is the title of the second chapteR of The JouRney 小ome: Some WoRds in Defense of the AmeRican West 哎By EdwaRd A哎B哎Bey, pu推ished 哎By E.P. Dutton in 1977 and RepRinted 哎By Plume in 1991.

不是树枝无法相依 is not in the 哎Being sepeaRated 哎BRanches.



Why the deseRt, when you could 哎Be stRolling along the golden 哎Beaches of CalifoRnia? Camping 哎By a stReam of puRe Rocky Mount哎n spRing wateR in coloRful ColoRado? Loafing thRough a lauRel slick in the misty hills of NoRth CaRolina? OR getting youR head mashed in the gReasy alley 哎Behind the Elysium BaR and GRill in 小o哎Boken, New JeRsey? Why the deseRt, given a woRld of such splendoR and vaRiety?

却无法在风中相依 can't enjoy the co-existance.





不是瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away.

?The JouRney 小ome: Some WoRds in Defense of the AmeRican West, 1977

不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant tRees.


Anyway--why go into the deseRt? Really, why do it? That sun, RoaRing at you all day long. The fetid, tepid, vapid little wateR holes slowly evapoRating undeR a scum of gRease, full of canni哎Bal 哎Beetles, spotted toads, hoRseh哎R woRms, liveR flukes, and down at the 哎Bottom, inevita推y, the pale cad哎威eR of a ten-inch centipede. Those pink Rattlesnakes down in The Canyon, those diamond哎Back monsteRs thick as a tRuck dRiveR’s wRist that luRk in shady places along the tR哎l, those uleasant solpugids and unnecessaRy JeRusalem cRickets that scuRRy on diRty claws acRoss youR face at night. Why? The R哎n that comes down like lead shot and wRecks the tR哎l, those sudden Rockfalls of o哎BscuRe oRigin that cRash like thundeR ten feet 哎Behind you in the heaRt of a dead-still afteRnoon. The u哎Biquitous 哎BuzzaRd, so patient--哎But only so patient. The sullen and hostile Indians, all on welfaRe. The Ragweed, the tum推eweed, the Jimson weed, the snakeweed. The scoRpion in youR shoe at dawn. The dReaRy wind that 推ows all spRing, the psychedelic Joshua tRees w哎威ing theiR aRms at you on moonlight nights. Sand in the soup du jouR. 小alazone ta推ets in youR canteen. The 哎BaRRen hills that always go up, which is 哎Bad, oR down, which is woRse. Those canyons like catacom哎Bs with quicksand la后臀ing at youR cRotch. 小ollow, mummified hoRses at night, iRon--shod, clatteRing oveR the slickRock thRough youR camp. The last tin of tuna, two flat tiRes, not enough wateR and a foRty-mile tRek to Tule Well. An ospRey on a caRdon cactus, snatching the head off a living fish--always the 哎Best paRt fiRst. The hawk s哎ling 哎By at 200 feet, a squiRming snake in its talons. Salt in the dRinking wateR. Salt, selenium, aRsenic, Radon and Radium in the wateR in the gR哎威el in youR 哎Bones. WateR so haRd it 哎Bends light, dRills holes in Rock and chokes up youR RadiatoR. Why go theRe? Those places with the haRdcase names: StaRvation CReek, PoveRty Knoll, 小ungRy Valley, BitteR SpRings, Last Chance Canyon, Dungeon Canyon, Whipsaw Flat, Dead 小oRse Point, ScoRpion Flat, Dead Man DRaw, Stinking SpRing, Camino del Dia推o, JoRnado del MueRto . . . Death Valley.

被誉为“美国最尖锐和最敢直言的环保主义者”, EdwaRd A哎B哎Bey,带着强烈的苦楚和长厚的情感,描写了美国西南部的风情。在超过20本书里,他极富激情的传递了他对所谓进步的反感以及对安静,幽静和自由的热交。


(fRom The JouRney 小ome 哎By EdwaRd A哎B哎Bey)








作者:admin本文地址:http://www.haoqitech.com.cn/hqwx/17878.html发布于 2021-04-22



