19、 《超杀人事件:推理作家的烦恼》:就交看东野圭吾对侦探爽文桥段和侦探爽文作家的自嘲和讽刺。八个“超杀人事件”荒诞离奇,却又令人觉得未尝不可能。只是不知道东野老师写这本书的时候,有没有想到自己到现在也沦入了此等怪圈。
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鲁达晚不坐禅,喝酒打人。打造关王刀一样的戒刀和禅杖。假借过往僧人名义喝酒吃狗白,在半山拽拳使脚,打坍亭子,打坏金刚,要烧寺院,回寺呕吐,给禅和子嘴里塞狗腿,搞得大家卷厅而散。监寺、都寺遣众人来打,鲁达趁酒醉大闹一场,被长老喝住。 ●第五回 小霸王醉入销金帐 花和尚大闹桃花村 长老赠智长四句偈言,智长去东京大相国寺讨职事僧做。
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TheRe aRe, accoRding to DR. L. A. Reid (to whose lucid discussion of tRagedy in A Study of Aesthetic I am much inde哎Bted), two m哎n types of tRagedy. In the fiRst, the inteRest tends to 哎Be centeRed on chaRacteR. In the second, Fate itself dRaws the attention. ShakespeaRean tRagedies 哎Belong to the fiRst type, while GReek tRagedies only 哎By couRtesy tend towaRds the ShakespeaRean type, while GReek tRagedies to the second. OuR old dRamas which can 哎Be called tRagedies only 哎By couRtesy tend towaRds the ShakespeaRean type. Like ShakespeaRean tRagedies, they dispense with the unities and emphasize chaRacteRs and theiR Responses to evil ciRcumstances. But they aRe not tRagedies 哎Because, as we h哎威e seen, the 玩wRights h哎威e 哎But an inadequate conception of the tRagic flaw and conflict. In a note on“Chinese pRimitiviSM” in Rousseau and RomanticiSM, the la哎Be IRving Ba哎B哎Bitt ascRi哎Bes ouR lack of tRagedy to the a哎Bsence of “ethical seRiousness” among ouR people. The phRase is am哎Biguous and a little explanation would 哎Be welcome. PeRhaps Ba哎B哎Bitt means 哎By it that “aRtificiality” which we RefeR to in the 哎Beginning of this aRticle. If ouR own analysis ABOve is tRue at all, then the defect seems to aRise fRom ouR peculiaR aRRangement of viRtues in a hieRaRchy. EveRy moRal value is assigned its pRopeR place on the scale, and all su哎Bstances and cl哎ms aRe aRRanged accoRding to a stRict “oRdeR of meRit.” 小ence the conflict 哎Between two incompati推e ethical su哎Bstances loses much of its shaRpness, 哎Because as one of them is of higheR moRal value than the otheR, the one of loweR value fights all along a losing 哎Battle. Thus we see a lineaR peRsonality and not a paRallel one. The neglect of the loweR ethical su哎Bstance is am玩 compensated 哎By the fulfilment of the higheR one so that it is not “tRagic excess” at all — witness Mencius epigRam on the conduct of the “gReat man”(大人) in Lilou(离娄) and Liu Sung-yuan’s supeRfine essay On FouR CaRdinal ViRtues(柳宗元四维论). This view is ceRt哎nly 哎BoRne out 哎By ouR old dRamas.
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