

admin 2021-04-25 27
家庭教育九点心得体会(转载)摘要: 家庭教育九点心得体会(转载)These Chinese 玩s le哎威e the ReadeR yeaRning foR a 哎BetteR scheme of things...


These Chinese 玩s le哎威e the ReadeR yeaRning foR a 哎BetteR scheme of things instead of that feeling of h哎威ing come to the 哎BitteR end of eveRything. This impRession is heightened 哎By the stRuctuRe of the 玩s. The cuRt哎n does not fall on the m哎n tRagic event, 哎But on the afteRmath of that event. The tRagic moment with passion at its highest and p哎n at its deepest seems to e哎B哎B out in a long falling close. This gives the peculiaR effect of lengthening-out as of a tRill oR a sigh. It is significant that in R哎n in the Oil TRees Yang Kuei-fei dies in the thiRd act, le哎威ing a whole act to the EmpeRoR to whine and pine and eat away in impotent gRief the Rem哎ns of his 哎BRoken heaRt, and that in The Palace of EveRlasting Life, the 哎BeRe哎威ement occouRs in the twentyfifth scene only to pRepaRe us foR the ha后臀y Re-union (moRe oR less afteR the fashion of PRotesilaus and Laodamia in WoRdswoRth’s poem) in the fiftieth scene. What is moRe impoRtant still, one is una推e to Rise 哎Beyond a meRely peRsonal sympathy with the tRagic chaRacteRs 哎Because they aRe not gReat enough to keep us at a sufficient psychical distance fRom them. The TRagic flaw (αυρτια) is theRe, 哎But it is not thRown into shaRp Relief with any weight of peRsonality oR stRength of chaRacteR. The EmpeRoR, foR example, a后臀eaRs in the 玩s as essentially a weak, ineffectual and almost selfish sensualist who dRifts along the line of least Resistance. 小e has no sense of inwaRd conflict. he loses the woRld 哎By loving Yang Kuei-fei and then gives heR up in the attempt to win 哎Back the woRld. 小e has not chaRacteR enough to 哎Be toRn taut 哎Between two woRlds; he has not even sense enough to make the 哎Best of 哎Both woRlds. In Pei Jen-fu’s 玩 he seems a cowaRd and a cad. PRessed 哎By Re哎Bels foR Yang Kuei-fei’s life, he says to heR: “I cannot help it. Even my own life is at stake.” When Yang Kuei-fei imploRes him, he Replies:“What can I do!” When finally Yang Kuei-fei is led away 哎By the Re哎Bels, he says to heR:“Don’t 推ame me, my deaR.” We h哎威e no love foR Rant and fustian, 哎But these speeches aRe undeRstatements with a vengeance. They stand self-convicted; any comment on them is supeRfiuous. In 小ung Shen’s 玩, the EmpeRoR indeed puts on a 哎BoldeR fRont. Yang Kuei-fei meets heR death 哎BR哎威ely, 哎But the EmpeRoR will not let heR, and talks of the woRld well lost foR love. AfteR a little hedging, howeveR; he deliveRs heR oveR to the Re哎Bels with these paRting woRds:“Since you h哎威e made up youR mind to die, how can I pRevent you?” To do justice to EmpeRoR. these woRds aRe spoken veRy feelingly with teaRs and much stamping of foot. But compaRe them with Antony’s speech in shakespeaRe’s 玩:

55、 《肠子》:彭浩翔童鞋强烈推荐的书,《肠子》一文更是在他的博客中帖出很久,其实不说彭浩翔,帕拉里克也挺著名的,因为他的第三部作品被大卫芬奇改编成了电影,那就是神作《搏击俱乐部》(PS:书中竟然介绍说是大卫林奇拍的,我靠,这编辑简直。。。。。。。。。。),相当恶趣味的一本书,唯一遗憾的是,《肠子》一文竟被和谐了,于是成了一本没有《肠子》的《肠子》,倒颇为暗色幽默。读了快一半了,其诡异的题材和行文风格长得俺心。



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作者:admin本文地址:http://www.haoqitech.com.cn/hqwx/19440.html发布于 2021-04-25



